THE POLKA: “Music in the Blood”
Written for original and stalwart Mad Ms’ member Johny Blood.
JB has been with us since the very first. It seemed only right that I write a song for him in appreciation at his 10 year anniversary with the band.
It didn’t have to be a polka but polkas and tubas do have that certain relationship.
This is a light-hearted tune in C major with a good use of relative minors. The lyrics tell the true story of JB’s early attraction to the largest of the brass instruments. I include internal rhymes, alliteration and a tease at musical genres.
In the instrumental sections there are three counterpoint figures that move through the lines of each instrument creating a canonical effect.
The parameters are “big, bold and noble” for the tuba and “bourbon barrel aged” because JB, a good southern Ohio boy, favors those spirits. These Imperial Stouts fit the bill:
• Péché Mortel Bourbon – Brasserie Dieu du Ciel
• Dragon’s Milk – New Holland Brewing Co.
• Bourbon County Stout – Goose Island Brewery
Chin Chin!
“Music in the Blood” is also available on CDBaby and Spotify