Today, on International Women’s Day, I want to give a shout out to the men in music who see women as equals. Thank you!
The music biz is wicked. It is especially wicked for women. Ask any woman musician and she will have a story of encounters with her male colleagues that can range from annoying to regressive, creepy to downright abusive.
I have had my share of those experiences. Oh, the stories I could tell! But, I’ve also had very positive experiences working with kind, supportive, and, yea, enlightened men who appreciate my compositions, my directing style and my vision. I’m looking at you, my fellow Mad Maggies.
And big thanks to the venue owners and bookers and the festival directors who have never had a problem working with a woman band leader. Your support is invaluable.
To women musicians everywhere, keep at it! Look for allies. They are there.
Steer clear of the ego-ridden, deprecating, “boy’s club” dudes who feel threatened by women. They are, unfortunately, plentiful.
Weak men fear strong women.
Men of quality are not afraid of equality.
Women Still Remain Underrepresented in Music
In Music Creation, Women Remain Vastly Underrepresented
Half of Women in Music Experience Discrimination, Report Finds