Feeling Golden

Feeling Golden

RadioIndy has reviewed “Skull & Magpies” and given us a “Gold Artist” award.

Gotta love it.

Here ’tis:

RadioIndy Reviews: Journey through the deep blue seas as you listen to “Skull & Magpies,” a recently released album by The Mad Maggies. This album has a wonderful assortment of musical genres ranging from Celtic to Ska, which produces creative arrangements with bouncy, syncopated beats. Vocals are clean with crisp clarity while the lyrics are sung in ‘buccaneer’ style. This album also has a refreshing variety of instruments that really capture the essence of musical adventures in the high seas. Swing to the accordion as it plays an upbeat rhythm on “Dark Matters.” The instrumental song “Sandglass” features a well-balanced mix between the tuba and the gentle, sweet melody on the whistle. Fans of The Specials and Flogging Molly won’t be disappointed with the colorful seafaring tunes on The Mad Maggies’ “Skull & Magpies.” – Diane and The RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team

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