20 Years: Street Dog

20 Years: Street Dog

GDub’s Reflections on 20 years of the Mad Maggies

Before the band, Maggie debuted Street Dog at the San Francisco Accordion Festival. She garnered “second place” in the “Miss Accordion” contest and got a “great song” comment from the late master accordionist himself, Jim Boggio.

For those who don’t know about Boggio, he was a legendary Sonoma County musician and literally the reason for the Cotati Accordion Festival. He died in 1996. La Plaza Park in Cotati, where the festival takes place, has a bronze statue of Boggio, the “King of the Stomach Steinway”, rocking his accordion.

The video here, shot in our old garage in Petaluma, is basically a mimed version of Street Dog from the Mad Maggies Live at Lagunitas album.

Guest dog appearances by Hank, Odetta (RIP), and Raymond Oliver Kurzweiler. And yes, I am the street dog.;-)